Getting Started with Parcel.js and TypeScript

I have been looking for a simple way to use typescript in my html projects for some time now. There is Webpack, but it needs a lot of configuration for even the simplest of things. There is always the option to use React or Angular, but that is too much for something quick. Then there is Parcel.js Parcel.js is a fast, zero-config web application bundler that makes setting up a development environment a breeze. It comes with built-in support for TypeScript, which can be integrated into HTML with minimal hassle. Whether you’re building a simple project or something more complex, Parcel makes it easy to get up and running. In this article, we’ll explore how to use Parcel.js to set up a project with TypeScript, structure your project for scalability, and prepare it for deployment. ...

December 3, 2024 · 8 min